Quantifying Renal Changes: A Study of Area of Bowman’s Space Following Prolonged Itopride Hydrochloride Exposure in Albino Rats

Aasma Hashmi, Hamd Syed, Ayesha Irfan, Ali Rabbani, Amaidah Mir


Objective: To see the effects of long-term administration of itopride hydrochloride on the histomorphology of kidney of the male Wistar albino rats.
Study Design: A Laboratory based experimental study.
Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at the Department of Anatomy, CMH Multan Institute of Medical Sciences Multan, Pakistan from September 2020 to March 2022.
Methods: The study involved two groups: Group A served as the control, and Group B functioned as the experimental group. Each group consisted of 30 adult male albino rats. The animals of group A were administered 2ml/100g of distilled water by oral gavage along with a diet for laboratory rodents daily for 15 days. The animals of group B were given 4.4mg/kg of itopride hydrochloride dissolved in 2ml/100g body weight of distilled water by oral gavage three times a day for 15 days. The kidney was processed for paraffin embedding and stained with Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS). The area of Bowman’s space was measured by linear micrometer after calibration with a stage micrometer and image J software. The student’s t-test was utilized to assess potential differences between the two groups, with significance set at a p-value of ≤ 0.05.
Result: The area of Bowman’s space was significantly increased in the experimental group as compared to the control group (p= 0.045).
Conclusion: Long-term Itopride Hydrochloride administration appears to influence the area of Bowman’s Space in Wistar albino rats.

Keywords: Albino Rats, Bowman’s Space, Itopride Hydrochloride, Renal Changes.

How to cite this: Hashmi A, Syed H, Irfan A, Rabbani A, Mir A, Razzaq M. Quantifying Renal Changes: A Study of Area of Bowman’s Space Following Prolonged Itopride Hydrochloride Exposure in Albino Rats. Life and Science. 2024; 5(2): 138-143. doi: http://doi.org/10.37185/LnS.1.1.539

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